Mountain Biking Rocks!

Get on a mountain bike, check the brakes work (they have them the other way round on the continent), head up on a lift and then bomb down as fast as you dare! The French call it VTT and are very good at it too!

In Chantmerle we hired from a smiley man next along from the Jules Melquiond shop on the N91- with good prices and fully suspended GTs and Specialized he was by far the best deal in town. (around 20euro a day). Fully suspended, hardcore Scotts available around 25euro from Outland in the town.

It's a good idea to make sure gloves and helmet are includedd or buy some. Also make sure you have a pump and puncture kit (and make sure the pump you have fits the bike tyres you borrow)!!!

Click on the map below for a "Summer Piste Map" and plan a route!

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This page last changed- July 1, 2002